The Most Important Ability to Have in Life

posted in: Inspiration, Life Wisdom 0

If I had to come up with just one ability as the most important in life I would say Adaptability. The definition is “the quality of being able to adjust to new conditions.”

As Bob Dylan wrote back in 1964, “The times are a changin’.” Our world is changing and it’s changing faster than ever before! If you can’t adapt to these changes, you’ll be left behind and/or eaten alive.

Here are 6 things that are changing (& will continue changing) that you’ll have to learn to adapt to:

1) Technology

Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Robots, the Internet of Things (Everything)

Robots will be taking your job at some point, no matter what your job is. If you’re an Uber driver or truck driver, they’re already working on self-driving cars and trucks.

Even if you’re a writer (like me), a CEO, or the President of the United States, I can envision a future where all of these jobs are done (and probably done much better) by a robot of some kind.

2) Geo-Political Landscape

Democrats, Progressives, Tea Partiers, Conservatives, Populists, Green Partiers, Libertarians, Dictators, Etc

If the 2016 US Presidential election taught us anything it’s that everything we thought we knew about politics is wrong.

A reality TV star could turn the GOP on it’s head and become President, and a 74-year old Progressive touting free education & healthcare could upend the Democratic party.

We’re going to continue seeing politics change - sometimes for the greater good and unfortunately sometimes toward global upheaval.

3) Financial Markets

The DOW, Nasdaq, Commodities, Bonds, Real Estate, Cryptocurrencies

While it’s true the US Stock Market has been on pretty steady incline over the past 100+ years, that doesn’t mean there haven’t been some major downturns along the way.

If you’re in the markets and/or invest your money in any capacity, you’ll need to strap yourself in and be prepared for all the ups and downs.

Not to mention International markets, Gold & Silver, Crops, and the newest thing - Cryptocurrencies. I’m not even touching those yet myself, but I know I’m going to have to learn and understand them at some point. They’re not going away!

4) People in your life

At a more personal level, know that all the people in your life will be changing themselves. They will be coming and going in and out of your life as their lives evolve.

You may lose some people that are important, and that will really suck. But you’ll also gain new friends, family members, and colleagues along the way. Some will stick with you for a long time, and others will become memories.

5) Health issues

Unless you’re the fittest person on the planet, at some point you’ll have to deal with health issues — whether that’s a disease, an injury, psychological damage, mental health issues, etc.

The key is being able to deal with these issues as best you can when they arise. Take your treatments, embrace your caregivers, and try to take care of yourself and stay healthy as best you can.

6) Scary Stuff

Terrorism, Nuclear proliferation, Global warming, Crime, Disease, Etc

Nuclear Bomb

Whether we like it or not, there are some scary things in our world that we as a society are going to have to grapple with. There are no easy answers, but I hope we have enough good, smart, dedicated people willing to work on these issues.


Adaptability will be your #1 skill to master in this world. If you excel at adapting, then you’ll have a very very solid chance of not only getting by in this ever-changing world, but also thriving in it!